doing my work while watching my fav channel <711> ASTRO! =)
lyn glr wat keje kt umah smbil lyn tv, what a blessed! so, xdela rase looser sgt dr wat keje kt office tu kn..hehehe..
anyway, what is it about?? this channel have a lots of tv reality programme, and part of it is, "American idol" tgh audition stage for the 10 season..ape yg best sgt reality show nie??
first, is about the people yg dtg audition, bkn nye sikit, penuh satu stadium mcm dtg nk tgk concert!
- im so damn impress with their talent! their spirit and 1000 satu reason why diorng dtg that audition..ade yg sbb dtg dr family ssh, so, through this show, they may get the opportunity to be a singer, popular singer i guess, like the previous season winner, Kriss allen, David cook, Jordin Sparks, n paling menjadi skang, Kelly Clarkson
-This seosan pun new judges, which aku rase, comment pun quite reasonable.. Steve Tyler, Jlo n existing judges, Randy. so far yg dpt pun, mude2, from 15 yrs old pun ade! aku dlu 15, tau igt nk exm PMR je..hehehe..
-Expression diorng ble dpt tu, kdg2, ngan aku2 skali nangis!! hahaha...touching! =)
Besides American Idol, lyn gak American Next Top Model n yg sekutu dgn nye.., Australian nye version ke, Britain ke, Canada ker..lynnn...
The Bachelor n The Bachelorette pun not bad..plg awesome, Australian Junior Masterchef! just imagine, kids age at 8, da bley msk! among of the recipe:
Meat pies with home made ketchup =)
Fillet of beef with tomato concasse, Roasted garlic and Herb butter :p
but, kte malay society..klu anak2 umo cmni nk masuk dapur, sure x kasi, n pyh nk jumpe parents yg akan encourage ank2 memasak! n plg best, biar servant je yg msk, lg haru...
At this point, klu kte compare ngan reality show Malaysia, x kurang Mentor, Akademi Fantasia..rmai gak artist yg dtg from these reality show, cm Black, Hafiz n thier achievement pun not bad..n, Tomok, its a come back from him after b the winner for Malaysian Idol! lain sgt la tomok dlu n skang, so..jgn la kte under estimate Malaysia nye product gak kn..
Is just that, I hope that, Malaysia bley come out dgn reliality show yg more outstanding, cm masterchef tu, its a gud platform for kids instead of nyanyian jer..
k, time for work ~ have a great weekend! =)
1 year ago
following ur blog... rajin update yer..
anyway for better improvement, kasi cantik lagi la blog... kalo bley pindahkan minah grab me tepi ni.. ssh sket la nk bace... nak kne highlight...
i'll folow u...
hahaha..tq milo =)
saje letak minah tu kt situ, kasi u focus lebih sket..ngeeeee...
i'll read urs too =)
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