bekampung kt office during this chinese new year, looser x??! from last monday smpai la ahad nie..huhuhu
cuti kene beku coz kejar dateline for my two clients!
nk wat cmne, ni la name nye dedikasi!! hehehe...
team aku je yg ade kt opis nie..xkn nk lepas geram kt bos kn, tepakse la aku luahkan kt sini..hehehe..
anyway, hepi chinese new year for those who r celebrating the eve!
may u in a god health, gain the prosperity n bright future =)
ni tg wat aku x sabar nk becuti --->> Mabul & Sipadan!!
menghitung hari jer ni, 23 April smpai 27 April
this time, trip aku dlm 16 org, meriah x?? hehehe..
ticket flight sume da beli, deposit pun da byr
pg tuk ape lg --> DIVING maaaa :p
so far, xde la plan for luxury trip, just a budget trip for divers, but yet, will gv u satisfaction! insyAallahhhh..based on survey2 yg aku da wat la kn..
Aku amek 2 pakej for 5 ari 4 mlm :
Pakej A (Non-Diver) = RM920
Pakej B (Diver) = RM1,050
murah kn??!! pakej ni termasuk, 3x mkn sehari, accommodation, transport from airport to mabul (return), boat transfer, n permit to Sipadan!
Tuk sape2 yg tgh nk plan becuti tuk taun nie kt mabul n sipadan with affordable price, just google to :
Uncle Chang --> its a budget chalet tuk stay in mabul n tuk dive or snorkeling in far, diorang nice n very helpful to fulfill our requirement! At the moment, aku liase ngan ank uncle chang, Jamilah, a nice person to deal with =)
for those yg tgh menikmati cuti skang, have a great vacation! ketauhuilah, aku sgt jelesssssssssss!!! hahaha..
take care!
1 year ago
sorry boss..aku pg dulu eh!hahahaahah
hahaha..xpe2, pg dlu, survey2 kn keadaan..agak2 x aman, aku cancel jer..hahahha
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