This few days, aku keje ngan sorang member lame from uni, n sorang bdk intern yg study kt Melbourne..
we were talking about halal food, since my frens ni pun bkn la pure malaysian, die lahir kt main concern is about, how they judge about halal food..
Now days, org2 mude x bp nk alert sgt bab2 halal ni.. in their opinion, as long dlm kedai tu ade jual aym, n daging lembu, kte da bley mkn kt situ even though ade pork jugak kt situ..coz,they were thinking that,
"alaaa..kte bkn mkn pun pork tu, kte mkn ayam ape.."
sume amek remeh bab2 halal food we know, makanan yg kte mkn akan jd darah daging kte, indirectly effect perangai kte, punca rezeki pun is another factor menyebabkan food tu halal or x..
Antara firman Allah SWT ialah dalam surah Al Baqarah ayat 168 yang bermaksud:
"Wahai manusia! Makanlah dari (makanan) yang halal dan baik yang terdapat di bumi, dan janganlah kamu mengikuti langkah-langkah syaitan. Sungguh, syaitan itu musuh yang nyata bagimu."
halal not only source of the food, but the way we prepared the food too..
example cm, dapur tu becampur x dgn pork, kuali,pinggan mangkuk n etc..that is why, if ade je pork one of the menu dlm kedai mkn tu, harusla ade ragu2 untuk kte coz semestinya dapur n peralatan masak yg die pkai untuk pork n ayam tu, adelah same..
rmai jugak org x amek berat psl care haiwan yg kte mkn tu, cmne ia disembelih? food kt certain2 hotel n restaurant yg letak alkhohol..
In Islam, Pork and all its products, animals improperly slaughtered, alcoholic drinks, including all forms of intoxicants, carnivorous animals, birds of prey, and any food contaminated with any of these products adalah x halal..
or, as listed below:
1)pork or pork by products
2)animals that were dead prior to slaughtering
3)animals not slaughtered properly or not slaughtered in the name of Allah
4)blood and blood by products
6)carnivorous animals
7)birds of prey
8)land animals without external ears
In Malaysia, kte bnyk website yg tlg sebarkan info product2 yg halal n non-halal, ie:
One of the main aims of this website is to provide a centralised source for halal products and services based on the certification by the Malaysian Authority and other responsible authorities recognised by Muslims worldwide.
But, my intern said"
"kt oversea tu, if u care so much about halal, then u xyah mkn pape la, coz ade je cmpur ngan pork n alkohol dlm food kt sane"...
is it so???
tepuk dada, tanye iman..renung2 kn, n slamat beramal =)
1 year ago
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