second day in krabi was awesome!
among 11 of us, 3 org p dives, the rest p snorkeling
before pg, aku wat survey dlu
nk dive kt mane n pg kt dive centre mane
among all of the choices, i highly recommend "Manta Points Ao Nang Dive Centre"
service terbaik, n price sgt reasonable!
korang bley tgk kt link yg kt atas tu, or google, or through Facebook
meet Lana Attwood n Keith Attwood, the owner of the shop
sgt nice!
korang bley email diorng mintak quotation at ""
so far, for 2 dive + equipment + boat + lunch + under water camera = RM275 per person
tempat lain, mostly offer RM350 to RM400!!
that is why, penting wat survey
n diorng sgt flexible, xyah byr deposit pape pun, n bley byr gune credit card jugak
Actually, the most best spot for dive in Krabi kt 3 main places
1) Shark Point
2) King Cruiser Wreck
3) Anemone Reef
tp, since 2 of my friends, eddy n abu r beginner, so, ktorng just wat fun dive at Phi Phi Island, for two dives
1) Bida Nok
2) Maya Wall
i made a called on friday, nk confirm ngan Lana yg aku da smpai krabi, die pun hepi n janji nk amek ktorng kol 7.40am on saturday tu
bsk tu, nsb la aku tergerak nk trun lobi awal, mmg tepat 7.40 am, van manta point pun smpai dpn hotel..well, bermula la tegeliat lidah aku, coz both Lana n Keith ckp english pekat glr, came from Germany la katakan..hahaha..ble da ready, aku, eddy n abu pun naik la van tu..dlm van tu ade lg 3 passengers, one couple from brazil, n sorang mamar from Switzerland, ktorng 3 org je malay!! fuhhhh~~
its a tradition in Thailand, smpai2 je, ktong da kene jamu ngan nenas n pisang, agak2 la, br kol 8 pg kot..hehehe...
then, we met Alex, the instructor, our Dive master, Thomas and another 2 DM yg aku lpe nk tanye name..yelaa..ckp pun "I - U" je..hehehe..
from Ao Nang to Phi Phi Island, its about 2 hours..
mulanya, hujan renyai2 tau..aku da mcm frust dlm boat tu, aku dok doa la, hope langit cerah ble nk dive nanti
glr ape, bkn slalu bely dtg, tah2 skali seumur idup kot!!
on the way tu, puas la ktorng dok borak coz all the DMs and Alex, sgt friendly..mcm2 la diorng ctr..phm mmg la phm, ktorng la letih nk pkr ayat nk sembang! hehehe
about 3-4 km before Phi Phi Island tu, da nmpk langit cantik n whether terbaikkkkkkkkkkkkk!!
syukur Alhamdullilah!!!! =)
terus teruja nk dive! ktorng 3 org + Thom, wat first dive kt Bida was awesome!! feel free to view the picture at my Facebook "Dive in Krabi"
msk je laut..subahanallahhh..awesome! yg best nye mat salleh ni, adventures, lyn je..even maximum dive for open water diver is only 18m, dgn slumber angkut ktorng smpai 19 to 20 m, puas ati!
bnyk gak ikan2 br yg aku jumpe, coral pun ok! =)
Bida Nok, reef basic die finger reef n wall diving..mmg bentuk banyk bebukit2 pun dlm tu, thats y kedalaman x fixed..
Caverns and overhangs are plenty, with a beautifully diverse finger reef replete with gorgonian sea fans, sea whips, giant brain corals, table corals and bubble coral. Bida Nok is home to lionfish, bearded scorpionfish, bird wrasse and moon wrasse, moorish idols, parrotfish and honeycomb grouper.
walau trigin sgt nk dive kt ship wreck, maybe next dive laa..huhu
after 45 mnts dive, ktorng pun naik blk boat for lunch
simple luch but lyn tuuuuuuu! :p
mat salleh sume dok besila kt deck, then mkn nasi tu ramai2, mmg sempoi..hahaha..
then, move to Maya Wall, dlm 15 mnts je, x jauh pun
since 3 group (Alex n mamat germany) + (DM + couple brazil) + (Thomas + ktorng), spot ktorng ke sebelah kanan, the rest p kiri
yg jeles nye, diorng jumpe penyu n shark!! bonus tu!! due2 dpt..huhu
kitrong x jumpe pun..frust sungguh!!
Maya Wall, pun ok gak,so beautiful above the water, are just as stunning below and in many places huge boulders have fallen and fused together to create exciting swim-throughs filled with glassfish.
This site has mainly hard coral cover which is not as prolific as at other Phi Phi dive sites but is still host to a multitude of reef fish including snappers, wrasse, bannerfish and moorish idols.
after 45 mnts, ktorng pun naik
then blk to krabi
journey dr 8 pg, smpai la 6 ptg..full day! laut pun cantik!
ilang sume stress...peace je..hurmmm~~~...
anyway, smpai2 from boat, sempat la betukar2 email ngan Thom, suruh add la, nk share picture2 yg ktorng dok amek tu..he is sooooooo sweeeeeettt!! =)
mlm tu, ktorng pun kuar lg cari food for dinner
this time, ktorng try gerai2 yg tepi jln plak
seafood die,mak aihhh..freshh!!!!
then, ktorng jln2 shopping plak
price ok, not bad
tp!! kene la pandai nego!
lg best, ble satu brg tu, rmai2 bli
contoh cm t-shirt, ktorng 11-11 org nk beli kt kedai tu
so, mmg bley demand harge murah glr2 la dlm 80 baht to 150 baht sehelai!
borong punye borong
smpai la lenguh kaki merayap
then, trus la blk hotel around 12 cmtu
merehat kn dri, coz tomorrow will b a long day again for a full day actvt!!
x sbr!! smbg nanti ok! =)
1 year ago
x larat nk baca..panjang sgt..lalu kt costing je la..tgk bajet2 mna tau ade rezeki bleh pi krabi..sesorg..huhu~ :p
neway,mmg cool view kt krabi tu,x sbr nk pi mabul april ni..:)
aisar! cpat2 kumpul duwet ok, see u in mabulllllllllllll =)
haha!..insyallah..LOB bln sebenar along cnfirm kemudian
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