wow! lg sebulan nk msk new year!! 2011~ that fast!!
What a great year for 2010
lot of things happened
people come n go
married n divorced
couple n break
new job n new life..
11 months cycle..
start keje br kt EY --> yg seminggu trus rase nk benti tu..hahaha
unbelieveable, almost a year already =)
life is quite upside work, new environment, new house, new phone..
ermm...keje kt area subang..owhh..celebrate first gaji! hahaha..ya2..during my bday, ngan geng kantin skolah :p
ermm..x ingt laa..ape yg best aeh dlm march??
ade yg kawen ke?? owhhh..ya2! Tiyah kawen! so, me n my batch gerak penang,konvoi, then camping tepi laut, bbq, tdo,then bsk nye g weeding tiyah...syiok! (^_<)
This is the beginning point! amek lesen scuba..yeah! Pulau Kapas! What a great n wonderful world under the sea..syukur..ade rezeki nk amek lesen n get that experience! =) congrats tu shahrul,iwan,aisar,ijam n kak arbaiyah,we did it! hehehe..
Erm..getting bz with Berjaya n challenging! Audit for April year ended..ddk kt berjaya tu, duit kuar mcm air..mkn mahai, parking mahai..haihhh~
owhhh..then join KPS nye Trip tu Pulau Perhentian,so dive lg! ~da start gian da mase nie..hehehe...
Group trip to Redang! My department, SVS--> roomate ngan fizah, sarah n..ermmm...yaaaaa...izyan..hehehe..ingt2..stay kt Laguna resort..sgt cantik! im suggesting this plave for those who r planning for their honeymoon =) then, dive lg!
Start da class for ACCA..owhhh..mcm x caye, aku amek gak paper tu..start la xde life sket..weedays keje..weekend skolah..mak pun, this is all for my dad, even aku x bp nk plh jln skang, tp, all is for him...actually, aku nk jd lecturer jer..coz aku ske not, just do it once for him..lecturer maybe another 4-5 years..insyAllah..
Fasting month! since aku still dgn team bejaya, so..everyday blk 3-4 pg..buke n sahur pun kt bejaya times square tu jela...mamak blakang tu..pnh pg?? should try once, milo ais die..lynnnnnnn..hehehe...bley buat mira tdo smpai berdengkur2 :p
Raya2!!! xdela terase sgt aeh ble da berumur ni..xde prepare pape, aku amek cuti 2 minggu, puas ati! hehehe..bwk mak abh blk perak coz mak sgt ske wat msk2 before raye..semangat btul wat lemang, dodol, rendang..haihhh..she is the best! then, pg raye blk kdh, kg abah..kesian kt tok..skang dok sorang after tok wan meninggal last year..then, raye ke-4 drive plak ke penang, me, yong n family, yang n family bwk mak abh p holiday d langkawi..yeay! hepi to see diorng hepi =)
blk from langkawi, drive blk kedah, then singgah perak,br blk kl..then blk plak plak kete manual..2 minggu as a driver, penat nk recover smpai seminggu jugak..cuti mcm x cuti..hehehe
Lepak office, settel kn berjaya accounts..ermm...rmai mt batch yg betunang la kot..keding, abg my jr..meninggal coz accident...haih~ moga rohnye ditempatkan bersame org2 beriman..she is a gud person..Al-Fatihah wat Nor idayu..
Bz with new engagement, bz with revision class, kak long kawen! so hepi for u kak long...x sangke sungguh! next month konvoi g reception die kt johor! x sbr to meet my batch! =)anyway, now tgh prepare for next month nye exm, 13/12..hopefully, first paper ni, sume akan ok...da setaun tgl zmn blaja..nervous plak rase..hahaha...gud luck to all my frens, for those yg akan amek exm jgk nanti!
exam! n im going to krabi!!! (^_<)
tp kn, smlm br tgk ctr "TAKEN".. da pnh tgk x????
ctr tu is a gud lesson for those yg nk p travel..especially young teenage gurl..mcm mane sindiket trap diorng tuk jd kn pelacur..
friendly sgt pun pyh..klu bley, jgn la bedue jer..make it a big group..
get that movie! then u will know what im talking about~
how bout u out there?? hows ur year???
1 year ago