Da msk ari ketiga umat Islam seluruh dunia melaksanakan ibadah puasa..
Even da kol 1 pg skang, im still at d client place, with my Berjaya Console team
struggle to finish the audit..
need sum break, so feel like to write sumthing here..
last week abh pengsan, woooo..panic!
then trus amek halfday n jumpe kt IJN..
Alhamdullilah, doc kate stabil..
td msg2 ngan abh, die mengadu skt dada..
im so worry n always pray that my parents will be ok
sape x syg parents, more than everything kot!!
tringat satu caller kt hot fm..
"lps ayh da xde, br sy sedar..walau secanggih mane phone yg kte ade..kte tau yg, ble kte call no ayh kte..kte xkn dpt dgr suare die lg.."
so, even bz cm mane skali pun
i'll try to gv a call, everyday--> without fail
klu x dpt nk call skali pun, i'll make sure that i will text him
Insyallah, i promise that 2 myself!
even we r not that rich, but my parents never fails to gv us luv n.. they will try their best to gv us the best..
org kate,
ble senang-> slalu nk share ngan bf, da ssh br nk cr parents
ble lapang-> slalu nk spend time ngan bf, da sempit br nk cr parents
ble beduit-> slalu kuar umah merayap ngan bf, da xde duit br blk jumpe parents
ble hepi -> slalu nk share moments tu ngan bf, da sedih br la nk cr parents..
Lots of things, kte bnyk belakang kn parents kte..
life is short, so make it worth! ~ bf/gf/husband or wife, mereka mcm daki kt bdn kte, ble2 kte sental dr bdn, hilangla ia..tp, keluarga adalah darah dging, potong mcm mane pun bhgian bdn kte, ttp akan ade darah mereka yg mengalir kt bhgn bdn kte yg lain~
p/s : appreciate our parents while we still have them! =)
Luv u mak abah!!
1 year ago
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