just wanna share what am i doing..
since uni life dlu, audit was not in my career list! not at all!
minat sgt kt uniform, smpai nk apply dah graduate officer..x ksh la army, navy or air force..tp, tu la, sume da tertulis..
after grad dlu, my first job was internal audit..tp, taula..fresh grad ni, mane management nk lyn sgt ble kte bg audit report n findings, tercabar btul mase tu..after 6 months cmtu, aku kene basuh ngan Asst.GM Finance office lame suh aku join external audit to gain wider experience, knowledge n further ACCA..theory mmg sdp dgr, keje 3 taun, abskan ACCA, then da dpt chartered accountant..tp ble da wat practical die, keje + stdy = almost loosing my social life..hehehe...
after one year anniversary with my current company..here is what i gained through the whole period..
mule2 dlu, mmg rase nk benti coz da comfort sgt kt company lame..masuk kol 8.30, blk 5.30..smpai umah, rehat n tgk tv..for almost 6 months cmtu..rutin..xyah pening2..
ble da start audit, nsb la plak masuk time peak period, mau x culture shock!! tu yg da siap sign surat resign..tp tu la, klu Allah kate mmg ni keje aku, aku xde mase lansung nk masuk office to submit my resignation letter, for almost a month tu, aku asyik kene masuk client jer..then, aku dpt team with Amira, the best sr ever! hahaha...
since tu, slowly aku da bley adopt culture audit n finally, im in luv with this job..bley?? hahaha...
audit is not only about numbers n accounting..its about a learning process..in term of life n human being..
ble audit, kte jumpe mcm2 org, mcm2 kerenah, mcm2 perangai..
ble audit, aku smpai kt tempat2 yg aku x pnh pg..smpai da bley jd expert la jln2 kt kl nie..
ble audit, aku jd appreciate ngan mase yg aku ade coz most of the time, aku kene wat keje, so..ble free tu, i'll spent it wisely..tu pasal bley terjebak ngan diving tu..hehehe..
audit is very subjective, its about ur judgement n technical skills..so, kte jd tercabar ble tgk colleagues kte perform n kte plak terkial2 nk wat..huiihhhh...xleh jd! hahaha..
audit is about patient..with urself, with ur team, with ur client n with ur boss! ufff...klu x sbr, bley dpt high blood pressure! :p
with audit, we will b independent, coz slalu kene cmpak wat job sorang2, pandai2 la nk survive!
time keje pun flexible..just pandai2 la..as long keje siap..hehehe...
for future accounting graduates, its highly recommended to join audit as ur platform to learn as much as possible..coz everyday will b a new day, everyday u will learn new things,meet with new peoples n facing a lot of unpredictable situations! sumtimes it could b nice, but sumtimes it could b a nite mare!=)
maybe i'll stay 3-4 yrs je kot (tu pun klu tahan la..hahaha), coz aku nk jd lecturer sbenarnye..being in current job, is just to fulfill my father's wish..working in corporate world, its just "headache"!
i would prefer to teach..share my experience n knowledge..to see my future student's success..insyAllah.. =)
1 year ago