lame glr x wat any new entry!! da besawang2 da blog nie :p
how r u guys?? to all muslims, salam ramadhan al-mubarak..
cukup la 4 ari kte sume puase ari..alhamdullilahhh..
alagkah best nye klu ade keajapan..dlt puase penuh taun nie!
kehkehkehkeh... mane tau kn..keje Tuhan =)
now tgh bekampung kt Times Square, klu prasan, last year puase pun
aku still kt cni..cpatnye mase berlalu... (tanda2 akhir zmn)..?
but this year, rezeki murah, coz we all satu team dpt stay kt hotel, so,
xla teruk cm last year..nk drive blk 3-4 pg, then nk dtg blk kol 9 pg...3 weeks berturut2..fuhhhhh...dasyat gak last yr..hehehe..
nikmat yg lg best adalah, dpt la merase sahur kt cni tiap2 ari..klu blk umah bujang, tapau roti canai mamak je la..ngeeee
but this year, merase la proper bfast..buffet yg mmg best! =)
tp, aku harap, next yr aku dpt tkr engagement lain plak..
da agak jemu ngan rutin nie..hope, dpt la merase environment baru plak...
well, basically, bnyk gak yg aku x sempat nk update korang..
especially trip to MABUL-SIPADAN =)
bnyk ctr menarik yg bley dikongsi, especilly for divers!
but, no worries, non-diver pun sure dpt input gak.. ngeeee..
besides, aku br2 ni, aku ade join Underwater Clerance Project under Malakof, masuk paper ok..ehem2 :p
but, moral of the story, this is a Corporate Social Responsibility..bnyk company lain antar wakil to sponsor and involed..purpose, to safe the coral and marine..networking, skills and knowledge were shared during the events, 3 days, 2 Kalong Redang Resort..should upload picture, but, seem the internet slow, will do it later yeah =)
Ape pun, tringin nk makan aym percik n murtabak time buke..
but still blum ade opportunity nk g tinjau mane2 far, bazar mane je yg korang da try aehh?? wanna share with us??
No worries la kn, still have 26 days to go..insyallah, will get one later..once again , slamat bepuase and tambah2 kan amalan kte, coz x sure, ade x lg peluang tuk kte merasainya pd taun dpn..
wasalammmm =)
1 year ago